Looking forward to 2024 SWUGs and was just curious when you might know dates/locations and post them.
Thanks for everything guys!!
Looking forward to 2024 SWUGs and was just curious when you might know dates/locations and post them.
Thanks for everything guys!!
We won't announce anything until contracts for spaces have been signed. As soon as we have dates and locations, you'll have dates and locations.
* LeBeauUK keeping fingures cross you are coming back to the UK
We do our best to have all the dates, cities, and other associated details finalized before the end of January. Be assured that there will be an accompanying post in Community Announcements .
I'm ready for everyone to come back to Phoenix, AZ! Maybe even Scottsdale one time! It was great last year!!!
London dates announced. I'm already signed up.
The other dates and cities have also been released, even if the registration isn't open yet. Hope to see you all at SWUG!
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