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Thwack Store Item Refresh October 2023

- When can we expect new items and when will existing items be coming back.  I have Points burning a hole in my Thwocket.

  • Hi Jeremy - we're working with our vendor to offer new options all the time. We recently restocked a few weeks back and the items flew. Keep an eye out, for sure.

  • Thank you.   I have been looking.   I noticed there is a pair of missing Backpacks.   Neither option is available.  Not as in no stock but no longer listed.  Looking forward to the new items, I have everything else I want on there, unless you bring back the original Corn Hole game and not the travel one.  That'd be a winner.   Also, it is getting close to winter.   I nice heavier jacket would be cool.  Thank you for all you do.

  • Thank you.   I have been looking.   I noticed there is a pair of missing Backpacks.   Neither option is available.  Not as in no stock but no longer listed.  Looking forward to the new items, I have everything else I want on there, unless you bring back the original Corn Hole game and not the travel one.  That'd be a winner.   Also, it is getting close to winter.   I nice heavier jacket would be cool.  Thank you for all you do.

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