Defining a Named Security Contact for your Organization

A new feature we recently added to the Customer Portal we wanted to raise to your attention is the ability to set and define a named security contact for your company/organization. This contact will receive important security updates from SolarWinds, including security vulnerability notifications.

To set this named security contact:

  1. Log in to the Customer Portal.
  2. Select Account in the top-level navigation, which will bring you to a screen like the one below.
  3. On the left-hand side, you’ll see a new option to set your named security contact.
  4. Click save.

Please note:

  • Currently, you can only define a single email address to receive security-related communications. If you need security-related communications to go to multiple people in your organization, we recommend you specify a distribution/group email address, such as
  • The email address specified as your named security contact will only receive security-related emails (unless this same email address is subscribed for other communications, as well).

We highly encourage and request our customers set this named security contact for their organization to ensure the right information gets to the right people within your organization.

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