Adding Profiler Views to Orion

Update: In version 5.0 and later of Storage Manager and Storage Profiler, there is an Orion Integration Module that presents data in Orion automatically.  We definitely suggest you move to the new version and try out the integration instead of following the method below.

A lot of you are asking when Profiler and Orion are going to be integrated, and while I don’t have a date, you can see What We Are Working On.  In the meantime, if you just have to have some Profiler goodness inside Orion, here is a way to do it.   This is several steps long, and we are working to improve this process.  I am assuming you are somewhat familiar with Orion navigation.
NOTE:  While this gets Profiler views into Orion, it is far from a perfect user experience.  A few caveats:

  • You have to log into Profiler in the same browser as Orion before these views will work
  • Occasionally you will break out of the Orion view into a new window or tab
  • There is no integrated navigation or breadcrumbs, drill downs in Profiler are generally one way.

Build a View:
In general, any Profiler view (summary, monitor, device) could be imported into Orion.  However,  we would recommend summary or monitor views, as they allow you to drill down to device views.

  1. Go to Settings > Views > Manage Views
  2. Click Add, then enter a name of the view (ex: Profiler Summary), choose Summary for Type Of View and click Submit.

  3. Change the number of columns to 1, and width to 1000, click Submit. 
  4. Next to the Resources box, click the plus sign to add a new resource.

  5. In the tree, open Miscellaneous folder and check Custom HTML, press Submit.
  6. Press the Preview button at the bottom, this will take you to the view with one resource with no data.

  7. Press Edit and change the title name to Profiler Main Console. 
  8. We will be using an iframe to connect show Profiler within a container on the screen.  In this example, the link is to the Profiler Main Console, but at the end of the post I will give you some more sample URLs from Profiler.
    Enter the following into the text Box:
    <iframe src="http://<ProfilerServerNameOrIP>:<ProfilerServerPort>/" height= 400 width =950  name="text" id="contentFrame"></iframe>
       src is the URL to Profiler
       ProfilerServerNameOrIP - the Profiler server's DNS name or IP address
       ProfilerServerPort - the port
       height is the height of the iframe
       width is the width of the iframe, generally you want this to be less than the width of the resource defined in Step 3.
       name and id are very important, make sure you copy them in there
    1. When you are done, it should look like the image below.  Press Submit.

    If everything is correct, and you have already logged into Profiler in another tab, you should see something like this.  Otherwise, you will see a Profiler login screen.
    NOTE: Once you are successful, copy the URL of this page - you need it for the next step.

    Add the new View to the list of Available items:
    The view you built above is not available to be added to the menu bar until you manually add it.

    1. Settings > Customize > Customize Menu Bars
    2. Edit any menu bar (ex: Default Menu Bar).
    3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the list of Available items, click Add.
    4. Enter a name, paste in the URL from the last step from above, and uncheck "Open a New Window", and press OK.
    5. You should see Profiler Summary in the Available Items.

    Add the new View to a Menu Bar:
    You can now add any of the Profiler view you created to any existing tabs, just like any other view...

    1. Settings > Customize > Customize Menu Bars
    2. Edit any menu bar (ex: Default Menu Bar).
    3. Drag and drop the new View to the menu bar, reorder as you see fit.
    4. Press Submit under the selected items.
    5. Next time the page refreshes, you should see the new View (Profiler Server) in the Tab.

    Phew… I worked up a sweat, did you?  When integration comes, all the heavy lifting will be done, so you won't have to do it. 

    As always, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, please let us know.

    Use Cases and sample URL:

    • Summarize Profiler Data - show high level view of storage and virtualization
      <iframe src="" height= 400 width =950  name="text" id="contentFrame"></iframe>

    • Monitor Profiler events - Show Profiler event monitor in Orion
      <iframe src="" height=700 width =1100  name="text" id="contentFrame"></iframe>

    • Monitor Virtual and Physical server status
      <iframe src="" height=500 width =1100  name="text" id="contentFrame"></iframe>

    • Run Profiler reports in Orion
      <iframe src="" height= 400 width =950  name="text" id="contentFrame"></iframe>

    • Summarize your Virtual Infratructure
      <iframe src="" height=500 width =1100  name="text" id="contentFrame"></iframe>

    • View a particular device - you must know Profiler's internal DeviceId
      <iframe src="" height=500 width =1100  name="text" id="contentFrame"></iframe>

    To build more, right click any link in profiler and copy it to a text file for review.

    Thwack - Symbolize TM, R, and C