Improving Database Insights for APM

Getting to the root cause of application performance problems is tricky with limited or no database visibility. Product experts Jared Hensle and John Potocny will show you how to get both high-level health status and along with insights into infrastructure, application, and database performance whether you are running in the cloud or on-premises using SolarWinds® AppOptics™ and SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor. Many APM solutions come up short when the problem resides in the database. SolarWinds AppOptics and Database Performance Monitor can provide high-level health status down to the deepest levels of infrastructure, application, and database performance whether you’re running in the cloud or on-premises.


AppOptics Datasheet 

Database Performance Monitor Datasheet 

DevOps for the Database 

How to Architect and Build Highly Observable Systems 

Deploy Code With Confidence 

Get Complete Visibility for Faster Application Troubleshooting 

THWACK - Symbolize TM, R, and C