Time’s Running Out for London SWUG

Yes, you read that right.  Right on the heels of a fantastic THWACKcamp 2024, we’re heading to London for the SolarWinds User Group (SWUG).  In two weeks (*gasp*), we’ll be at the Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel & Conference Centre to share all the goodness that is a SWUG.

Time is running out, and you don’t want the stigma of having a hand-written badge.  The shame of it all!  Get to it.  Sign up today and join me and a whole slew of Solarians over two days for the low cost of £0, or if you prefer Euros, €0.  SolarWinds User Groups are everything great about THWACKcamp, but in person!

Check out the agenda, see who’ll be there, review the frequently asked questions, and registersoon.

For all intents and purposes, the registration will “close” on 30 April 2024.  We’ll be ordering the badges soon after, and anyone not registered by then carry the dishonor of having a handwritten name.  No one should suffer that indignity, so register now.

Register Now

How about the other SolarWinds User Groups?  Registration for Denver, Colorado, in June has been unlocked, with Atlanta, Georgia, and Chicago, Illinois, to soon follow.

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