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WHAT WE'RE WORKING ON FOR WPM (Updated July 15, 2020)

Since the release of Web Performance Monitor 2020.2, there have been a lot of things going on behind the scenes here at SolarWinds. Everything from new WPM specific features to Orion platform enhancements are in the works! See below:

  • Enhancements to recorder – Additional features and capabilities for the new recorder to allow for the successful capture and replay of more scenarios, on more web apps.
  • Enhancements to Pingdom integration – Feature parity items for recordings saved to Pingdom such as recognizing key strokes and image match.
  • Support for FIPS Environments – ability to run, capture, and report on synthetic checks while in FIPS mode.

Feel free to submit feature requests for WPM here: Web Performance Monitor (formerly SeUM) Feature Requests

  • tagging mrs.alterego​ for this one. Maybe she can provide some general estimates as to where things sit, with respect to what you are able to say? Are we looking at a major WPM 2016 release, Q1 2017, etc? Is priority in the order of the features listed in this request?

    I like WPM and desire to use it on my current job as it had a lot of value on my last job, but I'm cautious as well. Kinda hard to make an argument for WPM without new features if it doesn't compare to F/OSS stuff like dalekJS or selenium function wise (which use many browsers and support IE11, etc). I understand that WPM was acquired as it was formerly SEUM, but it could use some love.

  • tagging mrs.alterego​ for this one. Maybe she can provide some general estimates as to where things sit, with respect to what you are able to say? Are we looking at a major WPM 2016 release, Q1 2017, etc? Is priority in the order of the features listed in this request?

    I like WPM and desire to use it on my current job as it had a lot of value on my last job, but I'm cautious as well. Kinda hard to make an argument for WPM without new features if it doesn't compare to F/OSS stuff like dalekJS or selenium function wise (which use many browsers and support IE11, etc). I understand that WPM was acquired as it was formerly SEUM, but it could use some love.

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