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Allow work schedule to be different each week day

I have a tech who works Tuesday through Saturday. Her hours are the same Monday through Friday but are different on Saturday.

  • We've been needing this feature as well as we have some techs who don't work Mon-Tues so we have another tech who works a different shift on Mon-Tues than he does on Wed-Fri in order to fill in that time.

  • +1

    I think I have requested something similar in the past.  I'm in need of more robust scheduling.  I'd like to be able to enter breaks, lunches, different start/end times by day, have the ability to set that schedule up as recurring each week with the ability to overwrite it for a specific day, set up vacations in advance, etc.  I had also requested to allow for preventing escalation when no techs are scheduled.  No point in escalating a ticket if the person it's escalated to is not scheduled either.  In some scenarios, that might be desired, but not in mine.

  • The tech setting 'back tech', useless tech setting 'supervisor', useless ticket setting 'lead tech' and maybe tech group manager setting should all be used to accomplish this needed change; of course along with along the fine tuning of work schedules for individual techs.

  • This. It's a tad annoying not actually having our work schedules sync up with their actual schedules. Lunch breaks would also be nice!

  • We have offshore teams where the techs work part of their morning and then back in again for part of their evening.  Could not find a way to setup a split schedule. 

    Might also be useful for techs that take a lunch break ?