Bug: Vacation Mode Won't Stay Disabled for Tech

I think this is probably yet another issue with the now infamous 12.8.3 HF3. I have a tech whose account keeps having Vacation Mode re-enabled without any known reason. I've disabled it via admin 3 times, and 3 times, it's re-enabled itself. No, the tech is not doing it. He's the one who made me aware of the problem. The issue started the first week of November 1st. Any others?

  • Fixed!! Thanks to Davie Abgao @ SolarWinds Technical Support. Issue is due to a (soon to be patched) issue of Out of Office/Vacation schedules not getting "NULL'd out" like they're supposed to if the tech is in Vacation Mode during the 12.8.3 HF3 upgrade. To fix immediately, update the dbase directly for the tech having the problem.


    update tech
    set vacation_start_date = NULL, vacation_end_date = NULL, vacation_start_time = NULL, vacation_end_time = NULL, on_vacation = 0
    where client_id = [####];

  • Fixed!! Thanks to Davie Abgao @ SolarWinds Technical Support. Issue is due to a (soon to be patched) issue of Out of Office/Vacation schedules not getting "NULL'd out" like they're supposed to if the tech is in Vacation Mode during the 12.8.3 HF3 upgrade. To fix immediately, update the dbase directly for the tech having the problem.


    update tech
    set vacation_start_date = NULL, vacation_end_date = NULL, vacation_start_time = NULL, vacation_end_time = NULL, on_vacation = 0
    where client_id = [####];

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