Anyone deployed this hot fix yet? Given the success rate of previous iterations, sound off with progress on implementation.
Anyone deployed this hot fix yet? Given the success rate of previous iterations, sound off with progress on implementation.
We are having issues with tickets "missing" in the "My Tickets" tab. The count number in the tab is accurate, but the number of objects displayed in the window does not match the number of open tickets. If you d a search for the assigned tech's tickets all of the teickets do show. My initial thought was it was different statuses but that does not seem to be the case as I can see all of our different types in the tickets that do show. I am working on some screenshots to demonstrate my finding.
We are having issues with tickets "missing" in the "My Tickets" tab. The count number in the tab is accurate, but the number of objects displayed in the window does not match the number of open tickets. If you d a search for the assigned tech's tickets all of the teickets do show. My initial thought was it was different statuses but that does not seem to be the case as I can see all of our different types in the tickets that do show. I am working on some screenshots to demonstrate my finding.
If you know the ticket numbers that are missing. Can you look in the DB to see what the Status Type ID is set to for that ticket? If it's NULL then It might be a bug, which has still not been fixed!
You can also use the GUI to create a query will all display all tickets that have a NULL status type set..
These are my Status Types, so change it to exclude all your own Status Types
BTW once a ticket is viewed by a tech or client and then saved the status Type will be set. If it was NULL it will display the first Status Type in the list for the ticket, even though it set to NULL in the DB...
that sound like a config issue - create global tech group and place everyone (or who every is needed) in it and align it those Request Types..
I would agree, ALL Request Types should exist in at least one Tech Group.
Adding the request types to a tech group did not resolve the issue. I did manually reassign one of my missing tickets to another tech, saved the ticket, then manually reassigned it back to me and now it is showing in my ticket tab. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just as a follow up, I think I've narrowed this issue down to tickets assigned to techs where the reqest type was not assigned to a tech group, or the tech that the ticket was assigned to was not in the tech group that normally would work that ticket type (we sometimes assist other departments).
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