WHD Upgrade Path Issues

Upgrading from 12.7.7 to 12.8.3 HF2 using non-FIPS upgrade path

Running WHD on VM, took main VM and made a clone to test upgrade path

I am unable to back up the Embedded PostGre SQL database. I ran the cmd prompt and it asks about port 22xxx or whichever one and being hosted on local host

The file I found in C:\ProgramFiles\WebHelpDesk\conf, I founded .whd.properties and the port is set for non-embedded

in C:\ProgramFiles\WebHelpDesk\conf/emptydatabase or whichever file path I found a conf file but it is empty

I found some other files/properties that show port 5432 set up and not the other one for embedded

If I uncheck "embedded SQL" on WHD service menu, will that allow the port to work? or do I need to uninstall it?

I just want to backup the pgresql databse so I can recover it and not have to add the techs and permissions all over again

How do I find out what version of pgresql am I on?

Update: couldn't run backup SQL through the WHD web interface, but was able to run the backup via CLI

Just need to figure out how to load the backups and configurations from the previous version to the new version


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