Control the visibility of the request type

Can I create a request type that will be visible only to specific technicians?

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  • I learned something today.  Thanks!  But with this feature on then, doesn't that then disable a tech's ability to assign tickets to other teams, presuming they can't access any of the Request Types for that team, unless they too belong to that team?

    If so, wouldn't this feature being ON defeat the purpose of working between teams?  So for example...a desktop support team, couldn't assign a ticket off to a networking team, because they wouldn't see that team's request types to even be able to reclassify the get that team the request?

    I definitely want to make it so that one team can't see but specific request types that I want them to see, and then another to see potentially some of the same but some of the different request types from the other.  In doing that though, I definitely do not want to completely prevent them when necessary, from reassigning a ticket to another team entirely. 

    I think the "Limit to Assigned Tech Groups" feature does exactly  If I'm correct, then the answer if it were me asking the question is "No you can't be that's all or nothing".  Submit your feature requests here!