Forgot password in WHd

I am trying out the self service Forgot Password feature but it is not working. From a Client account, I can click on the Forgot Password link, insert the email address and click submit. WHD prompts with a "If your email address is recognized by the system, you will receive a confirmation message shortly." The Client never receives the email to reset the password.

  • Are they logging in based on an Active Directory/LDAP connection (meaning they log in with their AD credentials)?  If so I'm pretty sure that won't work - it does not reset AD passwords.

    The password reset option there would only be useful if they are logging in with a username/password defined directly within the WHD Client user account.

    If that is the type of password you are trying to reset, and other email from the WHD system is working, you'll likely need to open a Tech Support ticket about it.

  • Are they logging in based on an Active Directory/LDAP connection (meaning they log in with their AD credentials)?  If so I'm pretty sure that won't work - it does not reset AD passwords.

    The password reset option there would only be useful if they are logging in with a username/password defined directly within the WHD Client user account.

    If that is the type of password you are trying to reset, and other email from the WHD system is working, you'll likely need to open a Tech Support ticket about it.

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