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Reporting on Failed Calls



We are trying to alert on Failed Calls if they reach a certain threshold in the hour. We have tried a couple of trigger conditions, but the alerts seem to come in incorrectly based on what we are seeing in the VoIP Call search. Here is an example:


Alert went off at 8:14 pm on June 18th

But the VoIP Call search shows only 5 failed calls at that time –

Here is the trigger condition for this alert as well:


Any help on getting this alert to track correctly would be great! Thanks!

  • To properly troubleshoot this issue, we would need more information about the trigger conditions that were used and how they were configured. Additionally, we need to know more about the specifics of the free VoIP PBX server call search and how it relates to the failed calls threshold you are monitoring.
    One possible explanation for the alerts coming in incorrectly could be that the trigger conditions are not properly set up to detect the specific failed call threshold that you are monitoring. Another possible issue could be that there is a delay or lag in the VoIP Call search data that is causing the alerts to trigger at the wrong time.