IP SLA Operation stops working after an upgrade and after a short period of time

I recently upgraded to 2024.2. After the upgrade our devices in IP SLA UDP Jitter no longer worked. I would click the link and it would basically time out. It goes to a page and tells "Unexpected Website Error". I rebuilt the web site per tech support, but it did not fix the issue. I had to remove the devices and add them back. After about 24 hours the issue is back. I'm waiting for support to get back to me, again. Anyone experience the same?

  • Ok, still working this issue. Support has sent me a couple of fixes, one of which the instructions didn't match my install for some reason. Then I was escalated and told to Perform a fresh Orion installation (uninstall and reinstall) on the same Windows server. This did not resolve my issue. Anyone else see an error like this when they run Database Maintenance?

    2024-07-23 14:30:16,431 [5] ERROR SolarWinds.Data.DatabaseMaintenance.Reporter - [Failure] 3.26s Finalize Maintenance - VoipOperationResults_CS



    dbm_ExecuteMaintenance: dbm_AggregateData_part: dbm_AggregateTimeSerie_part: XACT_STATE=-1Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors., IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[VoipOperationResults_CS_Hourly_stg]') AND name = N'PK_VoipOperationResults_CS_Hourly_stg')


        ALTER TABLE [dbo].[VoipOperationResults_CS_Hourly_stg] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_VoipOperationResults_CS_Hourly_stg] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED


            [Timestamp] ASC, [VoipOperationInstanceId] ASC



    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

  • Looks like you've got yourself a DB error, needs a fix to the DB (though you usually get these through installations and config wizards)
    There was a bug in 2024.1 or so around DB maintenance for IPSLA, but didnt take down the feature like that.

    Support will probably send you a fix script given a bit of time. Sounds like it needs reindexing maybe.