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Help Needed from Orion.IpSla.VoipOperationsICMPEcho

The below syntax gives data as one result per day. How can I get it hourly to create a graph, thank you in advance

SELECT Summarydate, Operation_Name, AVERAGE_of_Avg_Round_Trip_Time
FROM Orion.IpSla.VoipOperationsICMPEcho
where Operation_ID= "768"

  • Try something like this, which uses the hourly entity and the operations entity: 

    SELECT TOP 1000 op.OperationName
         , r.OperationInstanceID
         , r.RecordTime
         , r.MinRoundTripTime
         , r.AvgRoundTripTime
         , r.MaxRoundTripTime
    FROM Orion.IpSla.OperationResultsHourly AS r
    INNER JOIN Orion.IpSla.Operations AS op
         ON r.OperationInstanceID = op.OperationInstanceID
    WHERE OperationInstanceID = 768

    You can remove the top 1000 and consider the following to limit number of days of data by updating the WHERE clause.

    SELECT op.OperationName
         , r.OperationInstanceID
         , r.RecordTime
         , r.MinRoundTripTime
         , r.AvgRoundTripTime
         , r.MaxRoundTripTime
    FROM Orion.IpSla.OperationResultsHourly AS r
    INNER JOIN Orion.IpSla.Operations AS op
         ON r.OperationInstanceID = op.OperationInstanceID
    WHERE OperationInstanceID = 768
         AND r.RecordTime > ADDDAY(- 30, GETDATE())

    I am not using echo paths but the above statements rely on operation instance ID, so just changing that and you should be able to re-use this for any active IpSLA operation. 
    Needed to edit: Perfstack may not play well with all features of VNQM. 
  • Try something like this, which uses the hourly entity and the operations entity: 

    SELECT TOP 1000 op.OperationName
         , r.OperationInstanceID
         , r.RecordTime
         , r.MinRoundTripTime
         , r.AvgRoundTripTime
         , r.MaxRoundTripTime
    FROM Orion.IpSla.OperationResultsHourly AS r
    INNER JOIN Orion.IpSla.Operations AS op
         ON r.OperationInstanceID = op.OperationInstanceID
    WHERE OperationInstanceID = 768

    You can remove the top 1000 and consider the following to limit number of days of data by updating the WHERE clause.

    SELECT op.OperationName
         , r.OperationInstanceID
         , r.RecordTime
         , r.MinRoundTripTime
         , r.AvgRoundTripTime
         , r.MaxRoundTripTime
    FROM Orion.IpSla.OperationResultsHourly AS r
    INNER JOIN Orion.IpSla.Operations AS op
         ON r.OperationInstanceID = op.OperationInstanceID
    WHERE OperationInstanceID = 768
         AND r.RecordTime > ADDDAY(- 30, GETDATE())

    I am not using echo paths but the above statements rely on operation instance ID, so just changing that and you should be able to re-use this for any active IpSLA operation. 
    Needed to edit: Perfstack may not play well with all features of VNQM. 
No Data