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How to Report on VMAN nodes for Converting to Orion Nodes?

We use VMAN in our environment and it seems to be the case that we have some unknown amount of VMAN nodes. My understanding is the polling is somewhat limited vs Orion polling. As far as our VMs go, 99% are either Windows servers or Linux servers where we have the ability to install the agent.

I would like to better understand how to identify all VMAN nodes, report on them monthly, and ultimately convert them to Orion nodes. I looked at creating a report but its not obvious how to find VMAN nodes. As far as new server adds, I know I add them correctly but, I suspect not all of our team is always doing this and it has probably been the case for some time (stuff happens).

  • You should be able to make a copy of the out of the box "All VMs" report and change the selection criteria so that NodeID being empty is used in the selection. NodeID should only be assigned a value if the VM has been fully managed so using that should show your remaining unmanaged virtual nodes:

  • You should be able to make a copy of the out of the box "All VMs" report and change the selection criteria so that NodeID being empty is used in the selection. NodeID should only be assigned a value if the VM has been fully managed so using that should show your remaining unmanaged virtual nodes:

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