REST API,, Looking for 'URI' to query threshold table

Dear all,

I am looking to update Orion.CpuLoadThreshold or Orion.NodesThresholds tables ,, using REST API. But i am not seeing URI's from these table.

Could you kindly suggest any points..

My intention is to update, node thresholds via REST API

  • If you are using SWQL, you can frequently just append ', URI' to your select statement.  It's almost always there, but it's not shown by default when you generate a query.

    Generate Select Statement only shows the "blue" properties.

    Generate Select Statement (with Inherited Properties) includes both the properties and the "green" inherited/calculated properties (which includes URI for elements where it's applicable).

  • If you are using SWQL, you can frequently just append ', URI' to your select statement.  It's almost always there, but it's not shown by default when you generate a query.

    Generate Select Statement only shows the "blue" properties.

    Generate Select Statement (with Inherited Properties) includes both the properties and the "green" inherited/calculated properties (which includes URI for elements where it's applicable).
