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SWQL Study Group for the complete novice - thoughts?

Just throwing this out there and wondering ...

My coding skills are pretty much non-existent. I have been a hardware guy all my life and just when I think I've got a handle on something and create a new query which subsequently doesn't work I get all deflated. So off I go a Googling and a Thwacking trying to see if someone has already built that wheel before. And frequently I find the answer to that is yes, they have; only it was so long ago that things have changed and the script is so far from usable / working that I'm back at the start again.

Anyway ...

My point is, I wonder if there is any merit in a SWQL Study Group to help learn this stuff from the ground up.

I've no idea if it would work; who would run it (combined effort / self led / experienced friendly coder?); structure or anything... but maybe a few like minded code n00bs, could find someplace/someway to form a self help learning group.


Especially if you are like me and want in on a group like this?

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