Unmange Nodes on Solar winds using API

Hello All,

I have been stuck with this error for too long now, I am trying to manage/manage nodes on SolarWinds. I can achieve that using the below curl command on my windows command prompt, but at the same time I try to put this piece of code in a PowerShell script and execute I stumble upon this error, I know this is related to the way parameters are being taken in a PowerShell compared to the command prompt. any help would be appreciated.

curl command: curl -v -k -u admin:xxxxx ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-d "["""N:1""","""2024-12-09T12:00:00""","""2024-12-09T14:00:00""",false,true]" ^

Powershell script: Below script gives me error saying
There was an error deserializing the object of tthe ype system.object the value 'N:1' cannot be parsed as type 'double'

# Node details
$nodeId = "1"
$startTime = "2024-12-09T12:00:00"
$endTime = "2024-12-09T14:00:00"

# Construct the curl command dynamically
$curlCommand = @"
curl.exe -v -k -u admin:xxxxx ^
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
  -d "["""N:$nodeId""","""$startTime""","""$endTime""",false,true]" ^

# Execute the command
Invoke-Expression $curlCommand