where in the DB can i set the Hardware Health Polling override to True

I have the need to change the polling frequencies of hundreds of nodes when they get added to Solarwinds so have created a script to do this. I have a Powershell script which updates the node and interface polling frequencies which is working fine. I also need to update the Hardware health and Routing Polling frequencies. I have a Powershell script which is working for this also, BUT only once the Override Global Value checkbox is ticked in the GUI first. If the override checkbox is not ticked then the values dont appear in SWIS and the script has nothing to update. 

Below is the SWIS table that shows the values im updating after the checkbox has been ticked

this is the same table as soon as those check boxes are unticked

I cant find anything in SWIS where i can set that override. Does anyone know where that is located?
