Hi everyone,
I'm currently working on creating a chart on my SolarWinds Dashboard, but it seems I need to better understand the Orion SDK.
In my table, I want to display the specific department for each node that has an active alert.
Any ideas? Thank you very much!
SELECT o.AlertConfigurations.Name AS [ALERT NAME] ,o.EntityCaption AS [SERVER NODE] ,ToLocal(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime) AS [ALERT TRIGGER TIME] ,o.NodesCustomProperties.Department AS [RESPONSIBLE TEAM] ,CASE WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 1 then 'Critical' WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 2 then 'Serious' WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 3 then 'Warning' WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 4 then 'Informational' WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 5 then 'Notice' END AS [Severity] , o.AlertActive.Acknowledged , o.AlertActive.AcknowledgedBy , o.AlertActive.AcknowledgedDateTime , o.AlertActive.AcknowledgedNote FROM Orion.AlertObjects o WHERE o.AlertActive.TriggeredMessage <> '' AND o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 1 ORDER by o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime DESC
When I try to validate, it returns this error: