I have no SQL or SWQL experience but I am looking for some guidance.
I have been able to create the following Query
SELECT TOP 10 NodeID, Address, Application_Arch, BusinessOwner, BusinessUnit, City, Comments, Company, ContactName, CoreDependencies, Country, Custom_Serial_Poller, DateAdded, DeviceDescription, DHCPServer, DisabledBy, DiskSpaceAndPatchGroups, Email, Environment, Locations, PatchGroup, PrimaryRole, RelatedTicket, Remarks, SerialNumber, ServiceOwner, State, SystemApplication, SystemRole, SystemType, TeamResponsible
FROM Orion.NodesCustomProperties ncp ( NCP is the allias )
The additional data i need is below:
SELECT TOP 10 ManagedObjectID, UUID, HostID, ResourcePoolID, VMConfigFile, MemoryConfigured, MemoryShares, CPUShares, GuestState, IPAddress,GuestVmWareToolsStatus, GuestName, DateCreated
FROM Orion.VIM.VirtualMachines * ( i only need datecreated )
so this is how far i have gotten
SELECT TOP 10 NodeID, Address, Application_Arch, BusinessOwner, BusinessUnit, City, Comments, Company, ContactName, CoreDependencies, Country, Custom_Serial_Poller, DateAdded, DeviceDescription, DHCPServer, DisabledBy, DiskSpaceAndPatchGroups, Email, Environment, Locations, PatchGroup, PrimaryRole, RelatedTicket, Remarks, SerialNumber, ServiceOwner, State, SystemApplication, SystemRole, SystemType, TeamResponsible
FROM Orion.NodesCustomProperties ncp
JOIN Orion.VIM.VirtualMachines d on d.DateCreated = Datecreated
( Error ambiguous colombiguous colomn name NodeId between entities Orion.nodesCustomproperties and Orion.VIm.virtualmachines ) I will remove top 10 once i have the correct syntax
I need to pull the date from the table Orion.VIM.VirtualMachines ( Datecreated )