Case # - 01562690 Wrong time period.

Hello everyone.

I am using SWQL Studio, I need to obtain average availability/inactivity values for the past month automatically in the "Modern Dashboard" section

This is the code I am using.
'Last Month' AS [Month]
, ROUND(AVG(Availability),2) AS [AVG Availability]
, ROUND(AVG(PercentDown),2) AS [AVG Percent Down]
FROM Orion.ResponseTime RT
WHERE (RT.ObservationTimestamp >= DATETRUNC('MONTH', ADDMONTH(-1, GETDATE())) AND RT.ObservationTimestamp < DATETRUNC('MONTH', GETDATE()))

The problem I see is: Every day, the value obtained is always different.

But if I use the SolarWinds web reporter, (Node Availability - Report by default of SolarWinds) the value never changes.

So I ask for your guidance on whether I am using my SWQL query correctly.

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