Need a SWQL query to get the Last month availability of devices based on the Node category

I got below SWQL query from one of the discussions where the output is giving me the availability for last 7 days. However I want to show the availability for last month in the Modern dashboard.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS [100% Available]
     SELECT [Nodes].Caption
          , AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [Availability]
     FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
     WHERE [Nodes].Category = '2' -- Put whatever filters here
          AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DATETIME BETWEEN GETDATE() - 7
               AND GETDATE() -- this is where you define your time period
     GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
     HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100



  • The problem with "Last Month" is that it means different things to different people.

    Description Start Time End Time
    Last Month (relative) "today", but one month in the past "now"
    Last Month (fixed) the first day of the previous month at midnight The last day of the previous month at 23:59
    Last Month (rolling) the last 28 days "now"

    Regardless, you'll just need to change your WHERE clause to change the availability.

    Last Month (relative)

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS [100% Available]
    FROM (
         SELECT [Nodes].Caption
              , AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [Availability]
         FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
         WHERE [Nodes].Category = '2' -- Put whatever filters here
              -- From 1 month ago to right now
              AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp >= ADDMONTH(GETUTCDATE(), -1)
         GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
         HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

    Last Month (fixed)

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS [100% Available]
    FROM (
         SELECT [Nodes].Caption
              , AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [Availability]
         FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
         WHERE [Nodes].Category = '2' -- Put whatever filters here
              -- Start on the first day of the previous month (inclusive)
              AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp >= DATETRUNC('month',(ADDMONTH(-1, GETUTCDATE())))
              -- End on the first day of this month (non-inclusive)
              AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp < DATETRUNC('month', GETUTCDATE())
         GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
         HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

    Last Month (rolling)

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS [100% Available]
    FROM (
         SELECT [Nodes].Caption
              , AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [Availability]
         FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
         WHERE [Nodes].Category = '2' -- Put whatever filters here
              -- The last rolling month (28 days)
              AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp >= ADDDAY(-28, GETUTCDATE())
         GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
         HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

    You should also start checking your queries so that any time you use DATETIME as a field, you switch over to ObservationTimestampDATETIME is a function in SWQL and (sometimes) a field on some entities.  This can cause issues when the interpreter doesn't know which you are referencing.  Play it safe and use ObservationTimestamp.

  • The problem with "Last Month" is that it means different things to different people.

    Description Start Time End Time
    Last Month (relative) "today", but one month in the past "now"
    Last Month (fixed) the first day of the previous month at midnight The last day of the previous month at 23:59
    Last Month (rolling) the last 28 days "now"

    Regardless, you'll just need to change your WHERE clause to change the availability.

    Last Month (relative)

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS [100% Available]
    FROM (
         SELECT [Nodes].Caption
              , AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [Availability]
         FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
         WHERE [Nodes].Category = '2' -- Put whatever filters here
              -- From 1 month ago to right now
              AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp >= ADDMONTH(GETUTCDATE(), -1)
         GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
         HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

    Last Month (fixed)

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS [100% Available]
    FROM (
         SELECT [Nodes].Caption
              , AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [Availability]
         FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
         WHERE [Nodes].Category = '2' -- Put whatever filters here
              -- Start on the first day of the previous month (inclusive)
              AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp >= DATETRUNC('month',(ADDMONTH(-1, GETUTCDATE())))
              -- End on the first day of this month (non-inclusive)
              AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp < DATETRUNC('month', GETUTCDATE())
         GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
         HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

    Last Month (rolling)

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS [100% Available]
    FROM (
         SELECT [Nodes].Caption
              , AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [Availability]
         FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
         WHERE [Nodes].Category = '2' -- Put whatever filters here
              -- The last rolling month (28 days)
              AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp >= ADDDAY(-28, GETUTCDATE())
         GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
         HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

    You should also start checking your queries so that any time you use DATETIME as a field, you switch over to ObservationTimestampDATETIME is a function in SWQL and (sometimes) a field on some entities.  This can cause issues when the interpreter doesn't know which you are referencing.  Play it safe and use ObservationTimestamp.
