How to a sign Node to existing DeviceStudioPoller by using Python Orion sdk. Many thanks

Hi All,

I found the PollerID by displaying all existing PollerID from Orion.DeviceStudio.Pollers with the request below

SELECT TOP 1000 PollerID, TechnologyID, Name, Description, Author, Vendor, Tags, Priority, Enabled, TechnologyPollingID FROM Orion.DeviceStudio.Pollers

and now:
I would like to assign Node to this DeviceStudioPoller by using Python Orion sdk .

Many thanks

  • Unfortunately the Orion.DeviceStudio.PollerAssignments doesn't permit create, update and delete so it appears there's not a way to do this via the API. Would need to make direct database edits to do this... 

    This can be confirmed by looking in SWQL Studio at the Orion.DeviceStudio.PollerAssignments entity, then click on it. On the left-hand side there's a box called "Documentation" that shows Entity details. Here's what it shows:

    Name: Orion.DeviceStudio.PollerAssignments
    Base type: System.Entity
    Can Read: True
    Can Create: False
    Can Update: False
    Can Delete: False

  • Unfortunately the Orion.DeviceStudio.PollerAssignments doesn't permit create, update and delete so it appears there's not a way to do this via the API. Would need to make direct database edits to do this... 

    This can be confirmed by looking in SWQL Studio at the Orion.DeviceStudio.PollerAssignments entity, then click on it. On the left-hand side there's a box called "Documentation" that shows Entity details. Here's what it shows:

    Name: Orion.DeviceStudio.PollerAssignments
    Base type: System.Entity
    Can Read: True
    Can Create: False
    Can Update: False
    Can Delete: False
