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Report for triggered alerts past 1 day for 2 specified alerts only

Hi All need help setting up a report for triggered alerts history for past 1 day but only on for the two alerts below

Thanks in advance 

  • What Information do you need in the report? Here's something that I think is close, its SWQL. 

        AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName as [Alert Name],
    FROM Orion.AlertHistory AH
           (AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Cisco Store Router Down'
        or  AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Meraki Device Down (P3)' )
        and HOURDIFF(AH.TimeStamp , GetDate()) < 24 -- last day in hours
        and AH.EventType = 0 -- Event for alert trigger
    Order By AH.TimeStamp DESC

  • I had to edit it, bad copy/paste

  • Just how many times over the past 24 hours the alert triggered 

  • If you want the count, then try: 

        Count( AH.AlertHistoryID) as [Alerts Triggered]
    FROM Orion.AlertHistory AH
           (AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Cisco Store Router Down'
        or  AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Meraki Device Down (P3)' )
        and HOURDIFF(AH.TimeStamp , GetDate()) < 24 -- last day in hours
        and AH.EventType = 0 -- Event for alert trigger

    But in either case that looks like the report page, so make sure your data source is using 'SWQL' if it is, then I am not sure why it doesn't run. We will have to look deeper. 

  • Need to add also the following alert name - 

    Meraki Device Interface Down (P3)

    Not sure on swql structure for this 

        Count( AH.AlertHistoryID) as [Alerts Triggered]
    FROM Orion.AlertHistory AH
           (AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Cisco Store Router Down'
        or  AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Meraki Device Down (P3)' )
        and HOURDIFF(AH.TimeStamp , GetDate()) < 24 -- last day in hours
        and AH.EventType = 0 -- Event for alert trigger
    Group By AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName

    Is this what you mean? Group counts by name

  • sorry i didnt make it clear enough i need the following alert added into the swql as well 

    Meraki Device Interface Down (P3)

  • so basically, it will report on 3 alerts 

  • I missed the word interface, thought it was the same, sorry 

        Count( AH.AlertHistoryID) as [Alerts Triggered]
    FROM Orion.AlertHistory AH
           (AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Cisco Store Router Down'
        or  AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Meraki Device Down (P3)' 
        or  AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName like 'Meraki Device Interface Down (P3)' )
        and HOURDIFF(AH.TimeStamp , GetDate()) < 24 -- last day in hours
        and AH.EventType = 0 -- Event for alert trigger
    Group By AH.AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.DisplayName