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Help Modifying a custom report to give me the ability to enter specific dates (pull historical) and then default to the last "Month"

HI Guys,

I have had NCM installed and monitoring for a few months now but due to issues never got my "Uptime" report working.  I worked with presales before purchasing and they helped get a demo report working off a custom field using SWQL queries.

The problem with these queries is that the WHERE statement is hardcoded to last 30 days and I lost the ability to change the table to use "Last Month" or any of the other prebuilt options in report builder.  

How can I change this SWQL statement to be able to hard code specific dates so I can get my missing historical data?  

Then I want to schedule the report automatically to report on the last month at the first of the new month.  How do I get it to properly do 30/31 days?

I have two custom queries as follows right now that both need modified.

     Orin.CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups as [Team]
,    OriN.Caption as [Node Name]
,    ToString(Round(AVG(OriN.ResponseTimeHistory.Availability),2))+'%' as Avail
     FROM Orion.Nodes OriN
WHERE OriN.ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime>ADDDAY(-30, GETDATE())
GROUP BY Orin.CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups, OriN.Caption
ORDER BY Orin.CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups, OriN.Caption DESC

      OriC.AvailabilityReportingGroups as [Team]
,     ToString(Round(AVG(OriC.Node.ResponseTimeHistory.Availability),2))+'%' as [Availabilty]
FROM Orion.NodesCustomProperties OriC
WHERE OriC.AvailabilityReportingGroups IS NOT NULL and OriC.node.ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime>ADDDAY(-30, GETDATE())
GROUP BY OriC.AvailabilityReportingGroups

Any help is appreciated!

  • In the web reporting you can use the ${FromTime} and ${ToTime} values. [Explained in more details on Using SWQL/SQL with web-based reports (]

    Your first report query would change to this: [UPDATED]

    SELECT [Nodes].CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups as [Team]
         , [Nodes].Caption as [Node Name]
         , CONCAT(ROUND(AVG( [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability ), 2), '%') as Avail
    FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
    -- Old WHERE clause
    --WHERE [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime>ADDDAY(-30, GETDATE())
    -- New WHERE clause (my preferred way)
    WHERE [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime BETWEEN ${FromTime} AND ${ToTime}
    -- Other way
    -- WHERE [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime >= ${FromTime}
    --   AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime < ${ToTime}
    GROUP BY [Nodes].CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups
           , [Nodes].Caption
    ORDER BY [Nodes].CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups
           , [Nodes].Caption DESC

    Note: I changed a few things to get in line with the way that I prefer my queries, but functionally, it's the same.

    Same note applies to your second query. [UPDATED]

    SELECT [NodeCPs].AvailabilityReportingGroups as [Team]
         , CONCAT(ROUND(AVG( [NodeCPs].Node.ResponseTimeHistory.Availability ), 2 ), '%') as [Availabilty]
    FROM Orion.NodesCustomProperties [NodeCPs]
    --Old WHERE clause
    --WHERE [NodeCPs].AvailabilityReportingGroups IS NOT NULL 
    --  AND [NodeCPs].Node.ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime>ADDDAY(-30, GETDATE())
    -- New WHERE clause (my preferred way)
    WHERE ISNULL([NodeCPs].AvailabilityReportingGroups, '') <> ''
      AND [NodeCPs].Node.ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime BETWEEN ${FromTime} AND ${ToTime}
    -- Other way
    -- WHERE ISNULL([NodeCPs].AvailabilityReportingGroups, '') <> ''
    --   AND [NodeCPs].Node.ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime >= ${FromTime}
    --   AND [NodeCPs].Node.ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime < ${ToTime}
    GROUP BY [NodeCPs].AvailabilityReportingGroups

  • When pasting into my report i simply get "Query is not valid".  

    Also to note the option to select a time frame is gone, so I assume i have to hard code it somehow?

  • This is how mine looks (I had to edit a few things because I didn't have the exact same CP name - mine was singular and yours was plural)

    Still not doing the ${FromTime} and ${ToTime} correctly.  That annoys me in so many ways.

  • Okay so definitely a bug of some kind. I guess I will have to try and figure something else out on this.  Thanks

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    	<DataSources xmlns:a="">
    			<a:CommandText>SELECT [Nodes].Caption
         , IsNull([Nodes].CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroup, '[No Team]') AS [AvailabilityReportingGroup]
         , [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability
         , [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp
    FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
    WHERE [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp &gt;= ${FromTimeUTC}
      AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.ObservationTimestamp &lt; ${ToTimeUTC}</a:CommandText>
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    			<a:CommandText>SELECT IsNull([RT].Node.CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroup, '[No Team]') AS [Team]
         , [RT].Availability
         , [RT].ObservationTimestamp
    FROM Orion.ResponseTime AS [RT]
    WHERE [RT].ObservationTimestamp &gt;= ${FromTimeUTC}
      AND [RT].ObservationTimestamp &lt; ${ToTimeUTC}</a:CommandText>
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    			<a:DisplayName>Past Hour</a:DisplayName>
    			<a:Static i:nil="true"/>
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    think I got what you want working using the native web reporting engine.  Because our Custom Property Names don't 100% match

    • Download the XML file
    • do a global find/replace on the text for "AvailabilityReportingGroup' (my CP) and replace it with "AvailabilityReportingGroups" (your CP)
    • Then import it
  • It appears to be working.  I am double checking the groups in excel and averages look right as well.  I see you added the [NO TEAM] which is great for me to fix them.  Also the $fromTime looks like its now ${FromTimeUTC}

    I think you may have solved it. Ill test a few more reports and let you know shortly.  

  • I have one issue with the [NO TEAM] entry.  On my averages query at the top it is coming back with a result.  

    The bottom query is coming back with nothing.  I also went through and verified that ALL my nodes have this field assigned right now.  

    Any ideas what would be causing that?

  • Then you have some node, somewhere that doesn't have an entry in this field.  Maybe an ICMP (Ping-only) node or something?

  • I definitely have some ICMP ping only nodes that were in the network devices group. tried pulling them out into another group just for fun and it seems to properly separate them (show in top and bottom queries).  

    I tried using my new found SWQL experience to figure out the node it was reporting so I ran this in SWQL studio:

    SELECT IsNull([RT].Node.CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups, '[No Team]') AS [Team]
         , [RT].Availability
         , [RT].ObservationTimestamp
         , [RT].Node.Caption
    FROM Orion.ResponseTime AS [RT]
    WHERE [RT].DateTime>ADDDAY(-31, GETDATE())

    The [No Team] fields actually come back with no caption!

    Also if I change my addday to the last 7 days it does not have any [No Teams] so maybe its just some old historical entries for whatever reason.

    I am going to continue to ignore this for now as its the best I have and see if next months looks good!

  • ${FromTime} and ${FromTimeUTC} are separate entities.

    The reason I swapped was because (to the best of my recollection) the ObservationTimestamp property is stored in UTC time.

  • If you add in the DateTime field to your query you can use the Time-Based Settings in your report.

    SELECT [Nodes].CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups AS [Team]
         , [Nodes].Caption AS [Node Name]
         , CONCAT(ROUND(AVG( [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability ), 2), '%') as [Avail]
    FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
    -- Old WHERE clause
    --WHERE [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime>ADDDAY(-30, GETDATE())
    -- New WHERE clause (my preferred way)
    WHERE [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime BETWEEN ${FromTime} AND ${ToTime}
    -- Other way
    -- WHERE [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime >= ${FromTime}
    --   AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime < ${ToTime}
    GROUP BY [Nodes].CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups
           , [Nodes].Caption
           , [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime
    ORDER BY [Nodes].CustomProperties.AvailabilityReportingGroups
           , [Nodes].Caption DESC

    Then in your Edit Resources section add the DateTime field (I hid it afterwards)

  • You nailed it! This is what I was looking for! Thank you

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