Problem Pulling End of Sale/Support Information

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone come across this problem? Trying to pull End of xxx data from Solarwinds, when I try to run it either in SWQL Studio or as an API in Postman it doesn't return any results, yet if I add it as a Widget in a modern dashboard it returns the data. Here is the code that I am running:

Select N.caption as [Device Name]
, N.IP_Address as [IP Address]
, N.Vendor
, N.CustomProperties.SerialNumber
, N.CustomProperties.SiteName as [Site Name]
, N.CustomProperties.HigherHealthAuthority as [Higher Health Authority]
, N.NodeProperties.EndOfSales
, N.NodeProperties.EndOfSoftware
, N.NodeProperties.EndOfSupport
, N.NodeProperties.EosComments

from orion.nodes as N
Where n.CustomProperties.HigherHealthAuthority = 'ABC'

Parents Reply
  • <sarcasm>Remind me of the definition of insanity again?</sarcasm>

    You've got an odd problem there  , I won't deny it.  Have you tried turning it off and back on again? Rofl

    All joking aside, in the middle of the night (or day if it suits you), you may want to restart the "SolarWinds Information Service" on the server you are hitting.

    I am not part of the SolarWinds Support Organization and anything you do based on my recommendations are 100% your own fault for relying on the recommendations some random person on the Internet.
