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rest api integration with 4me

hi all, please hep with advice. I need to setup a rest api integration with 4me ITSM application, hoping that someone as done this before? Please advise, how and where to start.

thank you

Parents Reply
  • Big ask here for a forum post

    Start with the authentication pages to generate a proper token

    For tickets you want to GET a ticket to start a template, then trim the fat and add a sample payload to test a POST Put the body in a alert "...http request..." action and add some solarwinds variables

    For CMDB stuff you can use an API connection but starting with a batch is probably easier. Make a report/SWQL call to select your devices. (Select X From Orion.Nodes + Select X from Orion.Vim...), export to CSV, then you can use this link for uploading it into 4me 

    we getting Headers as a field in the http request action at some point?
