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Serial numbers for Cisco switches / Stack Switches

I am trying to pull serial numbers for stack switches and other devices using on Solarwinds 2020.2.6

SELECT OrionNodes.Caption, OrionNodes.DetailsUrl, OrionNodes.Status, OrionNodes.ChildStatus, NcmEntityPhysical.EntityName, OrionNodes.IP_Address, OrionNodes.CustomProperties.ZL_Location, OrionNodes.CustomProperties.ZL_Region, OrionNodes.CustomProperties.ZN_Role,
OrionNodes.CustomProperties.ZN_Edge_Device, NcmEntityPhysical.EntityDescription, NcmEntityPhysical.Serial, NcmEntityPhysical.Manufacturer, NcmEntityPhysical.Model, NcmNodeProperties.NodeComments, OrionNodes.SysName, OrionNodes.NodeDescription, OrionNodes.Location, OrionNodes.Contact, OrionNodes.MachineType, OrionNodes.LastBoot, OrionNodes.IOSVersion
FROM NCM.NodeProperties AS NcmNodeProperties
INNER JOIN Orion.Nodes AS OrionNodes ON NcmNodeProperties.CoreNodeID=OrionNodes.NodeID
LEFT JOIN NCM.EntityPhysical AS NcmEntityPhysical ON NcmEntityPhysical.NodeID=NcmNodeProperties.NodeID AND NcmEntityPhysical.EntityClass='3'
WHERE (OrionNodes.Vendor='Cisco'

but i dont get any serial numbers or manufacturer or model numbers (NcmEntityPhysical.Serial, NcmEntityPhysical.Manufacturer, NcmEntityPhysical.Model)  - These 3 are not working

it used to work on 2020.2.5 - is there anything wrong in above syntax?

Parents Reply
  • I am running the current orion/ncm/npm and it largely worked after I removed your custom properties which i dont have, and that leading '(' in the where clause. There were some that didnt load all data, but there are other entities such as assetinventory which might have that information anyways. Could be a cisco model issue with the new MIB file. I have not looked at the models/firmware which were empty. 

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