SWQL Query Assistance

I need some help with a SWQL query. Right now, I'm running a query to return a count of devcies that have 100% availability over the last 31 days with this query and this is working great:

"SELECT COUNT(*) AS [100% Available] FROM (SELECT [Nodes].Caption , AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [Availability] FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes] WHERE [Nodes].NodeName LIKE '%WTNC%' AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime BETWEEN GETDATE() - 31 AND GETDATE() GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100)"

But I need to create two other queries and don't know exactly how to do it in SWQL language.

The two queries I want are:

1. A query that will just look at the business day's - So Monday thru Friday from 8am to 5pm.
2. A query that will look at every day, but exclude Sunday's from Midnight to 6am (our maintenance window)

Can anyone assist with this?


  • I wont write these right now because I'm leaving the office shortly, but also there's definitely some examples around

    For both 1 and 2 the solution is to add and "AND ()" into your WHERE condition, and use the datetime functions here:

    • GetUtcDate() - Returns the current date and time in UTC.
    • Hour(d) - Returns the hour part of d (in 24 hour format).
    • DateTrunc('datepart', 'd') - Where 'datepart' is one of the following strings: 'minute''hour''day''week''month''quarter''year'. Returns a date like d, but with all components more granular than 'datepart' set to
    • WeekDay(d) - Returns the day of the week of d as a number, with Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, ..., Saturday = 6. Available in Orion Platform 2016.1 and later.


    I think the usual approach is to compare DATETRUNC(x, GETUTCDATE()) to be > StartOfWindowInX and < EndofWindowInX

    In SQL the BETWEEN function is available but not in SWQL yet as far as I'm aware, here's hoping.

  • So support gave me this query, but the issue is it throws errors:

    AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [AverageAvailability]
    FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
    WHERE [Nodes].NodeName LIKE '%SOLARWINDSC%'
    AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -31, GETDATE()) AND GETDATE()
    AND DATEPART(WEEKDAY, [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime) BETWEEN 2 AND 6 -- Monday to Friday
    AND DATEPART(HOUR, [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime) BETWEEN 8 AND 16 -- 8 AM to 5 PM (5 PM included)
    GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
    HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

    Any idea how to solve this?  It says "Cannot resolve property DAY".  Thoughts?

  • This query is not SWQL...it looks more like SQL that you'd run in Database Manager except it uses SWQL table names. Very odd that you'd get this "SWQL" from support...

    Try this SWQL tested in SWQL Studio

    ,AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) AS [AverageAvailability]
    FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
    WHERE 1=1 -- so I can comment out individual AND lines below and not break SWQL
    AND [Nodes].NodeName LIKE '%SOLARWINDS%' -- removed 'SC' to match my node name
    AND [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime BETWEEN AddDate('DAY', -31, GETDATE()) AND GETDATE()
    AND WEEKDAY( [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime ) BETWEEN 2 AND 6 -- Monday to Friday
    AND HOUR( [Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.DateTime ) BETWEEN 8 AND 16 -- 8 AM to 5 PM (5 PM included)
    GROUP BY [Nodes].Caption
    --HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

    Also helpful --> https://github.com/solarwinds/OrionSDK/wiki/SWQL-Functions this is where   function info comes from.

    Should get you closer...

  • This is great.  Thank you.  One last issue with this, i get thiis error when I attempt to use it...does this ring any bells on why?

    "message": "An error has occurred.",
    "exceptionMessage": "RunQuery failed, check fault information.\n'DateTime' is not a recognized built-in function name.",

  • Great question.  I'm running it in a Dashboard View.

    I get this error when i edit the dashboard containing this new code.

    This shows the query:  It validates correctly, but then throws the error after saving it.  We are on the latest version of the software as well.

  • Also note I commented out the having so that I would get a result since nothing here had Availability = 100. Bottom line is you'll need to vet the final result but first you need a query that works...

  • Try

    SELECT top 10
    ,AVG([Nodes].[ResponseTimeHistory].[Availability]) AS [AverageAvailability]
    FROM Orion.Nodes AS [Nodes]
    WHERE 1=1 -- so I can comment out individual AND lines below and not break SWQL
    AND [Nodes].[NodeName] LIKE '%SOLARWINDS%' -- removed 'SC' to match my node name
    AND [Nodes].[ResponseTimeHistory].[DateTime] BETWEEN AddDate('DAY', -31, GETDATE()) AND GETDATE()
    AND WEEKDAY( [Nodes].[ResponseTimeHistory].[DateTime] ) BETWEEN 2 AND 6 -- Monday to Friday
    AND HOUR( [Nodes].[ResponseTimeHistory].[DateTime] ) BETWEEN 8 AND 16 -- 8 AM to 5 PM (5 PM included)
    GROUP BY [Nodes].[Caption]
    --HAVING AVG([Nodes].ResponseTimeHistory.Availability) = 100

  • I created a simple table widget...the query I provided validated and the widget displays the same results as SWQL Studio.

    I only have SAM license so not sure if network device uptime is part of another package or not....