Bulk Deleting Specific interfaces from a Node

Hi All, I'm exploring the ability to bulk delete interfaces from a node. I keep getting a 500 error using the following script. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am using the latest version of the SDK (0.4.0) and Orion is 2024.2.

import requests
from pprint import pprint
from orionsdk import SwisClient
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os


def sw_query(instance, pssWord, pssKey):
    swis = SwisClient(os.getenv(instance), os.getenv(pssWord), os.getenv(pssKey))

    swis_query = swis.query("""SELECT i.NodeID, i.InterfaceID, i.InterfaceName, i.Uri
    FROM Orion.NPM.Interfaces i
    WHERE i.InterfaceID = XXX 

    results = swis_query['results']
    # pprint(results)
    uris_to_delete = []
    for result in results:
        # pprint(result)
        node_id = result['NodeID']
        interface_id = result['InterfaceID']
        node_uri = result['Uri']

    for uris in uris_to_delete:
        # pprint(uri)
            pprint(f'Successfully deleted interface: {uris}')
        except Exception as e:
            pprint(f'Error deleting interface {uris}: {e}')

sw_query('solarwinds-url', 'api-username', 'api-password')

Error Message Returned

('Error deleting interface '
 'swis://INSTANCE-URL/Orion/Orion.Nodes/NodeID=XXX/Interfaces/InterfaceID=XXX: '
 '500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: '


Jay Jackson

  • Hello  ,

    I hope you are well and having a wonderful day!

    Are you required to use SDK, or are you able to use T-SQL? Here is a query that you can use something like Custom Property on Interfaces to identify the ones you want to remove and then specify it in Line 15 so this would remove the interfaces that have the set condition. 

    Please keep in mind that this approach will clear the historical data from the database while the database maintenance runs.

    DECLARE @interface_to_remove TABLE 
      interface_id INT
    INSERT INTO @interface_to_remove 
    FROM Interfaces I
      I.InterfaceTest1 IS NOT NULL
    DECLARE @RowCount INT = (SELECT COUNT(interface_id) FROM @interface_to_remove);  
    WHILE @RowCount > 0 BEGIN  
      SELECT @IID=interface_id
      FROM @interface_to_remove
      ORDER BY interface_id DESC OFFSET @RowCount - 1 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY;  
      EXEC [dbo].[swsp_DeleteInterface] @id = @IID
      SET @RowCount -= 1;  

    Hope it helps Smiley

    All the best!

  • Hey Antonio, Yes we have to go the API route because we do not let other team interact directly with our databases.



  •  , there might be a bug in 2024.2. I tested this operation using PowerShell and attempted to delete an interface. I successfully ran the script on 20241.1 but ran into an error on 2024.2 using the same script. Internally at SolarWinds we are tracking this under OO-34768.

  •   Thank you for this as well! I just ran into this issue as well. Should I open a ticket with SolarWinds so we can be informed when a hotfix or something similar comes out for it? We do this a ton in our organization.  Or will we see something about a fix here?

  • Nothing you need to do. Looks like we were able to squeeze the fix into the next upcoming service release (2024.2.1). That is expected mid-July (17th currently, but dates could always shift a little, so it isn't concrete)

  • hi   im having similar issue during interface deletion not a bulk, getting below HTTP error 400 from request library
      File "/data/user1/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 1021, in raise_for_status
        raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
    requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. for url: https://INSTANCE-URL/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/swis://POLER-URL/Orion/Orion.Nodes/NodeID=XXX/Interfaces/InterfaceID=XXXX

    in response message i have this:
    {"Message":"Object reference not set to an instance of an object.","ExceptionType":"System.NullReferenceException","FullException":"System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\r\n   at SolarWinds.Data.Providers.Interfaces.Plugin.CrudHandlers.InterfaceCrudHandler.Delete(IDictionary`2[] keyColumnsList, Action`1 baseCall)\r\n   at SolarWinds.Data.Providers.Orion.OrionDataProvider.Delete(IStorageElement storage, IDictionary`2[] keyColumnsList)\r\n   at SolarWinds.InformationService.Core.CrudProcessor.DeleteInternal(Boolean bulkMode, SwisUriResolver uriResolver, IQueryExecutionContext context)\r\n   at SolarWinds.InformationService.Core.CrudProcessor.Delete(SwisUri uri, IQueryExecutionContext context)\r\n   at SolarWinds.InformationService.Core.InformationService.Delete(String uri)"}

    Can you confirm that it is being addressed by upcoming service release (2024.2.1) ?