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alerts weekly report

Hi Team,

I want to create a alert report on weekly basis based upon severity.Could you please guide me that how to  create report.

client want to see that how many critical, warning and informational alert are triggered on weekly basis, Could you please guide me that how to  create report.



  • we have a report that generates a count of alerts grouped by the alert type, over a specific number of days, this includes a severity field (by numeric). I didn't write this myself, i think it was one of the prosperon guys, but hopefully this gives you something to start on:

    ahv.Name 'Alert Name'
    ,ahv.RelatedNodeCaption 'Parent Device'
    ,ahv.Severity 'Severity'
    ,ahv.EntityCaption 'Alert Object'
    ,ISNULL(lastOne.Qty,0) 'Last 1 Day'
    ,ISNULL(lastSeven.Qty,0) 'Last 7 Days'
    ,ISNULL(lastThirty.Qty,0) 'Last 30 Days'
    FROM AlertHistoryView ahv

    ,COUNT(1) 'Qty'
    FROM AlertHistoryView
    WHERE EventTypeWord = 'Triggered'
    AND TimeStamp > (GetDate()-1)
    GROUP BY Name, RelatedNodeCaption, EntityCaption) lastOne ON ahv.Name = lastOne.Name AND ahv.RelatedNodeCaption = lastOne.RelatedNodeCaption AND ahv.EntityCaption = lastOne.EntityCaption

    ,COUNT(1) 'Qty'
    FROM AlertHistoryView
    WHERE EventTypeWord = 'Triggered'
    AND TimeStamp > (GetDate()-7)
    GROUP BY Name, RelatedNodeCaption, EntityCaption) lastSeven ON ahv.Name = lastSeven.Name AND ahv.RelatedNodeCaption = lastSeven.RelatedNodeCaption AND ahv.EntityCaption = lastSeven.EntityCaption

    ,COUNT(1) 'Qty'
    FROM AlertHistoryView
    WHERE EventTypeWord = 'Triggered'
    AND TimeStamp > (GetDate()-30)
    GROUP BY Name, RelatedNodeCaption, EntityCaption) lastThirty ON ahv.Name = lastThirty.Name AND ahv.RelatedNodeCaption = lastThirty.RelatedNodeCaption AND ahv.EntityCaption = lastThirty.EntityCaption

    WHERE ahv.Name IS NOT NULL
    lastOne.Qty > 0 OR
    lastSeven.Qty > 0 OR
    lastThirty.Qty > 0
    AND ahv.Severity >1
    ORDER BY ahv.Name, ISNULL(lastThirty.Qty,0) DESC, ahv.RelatedNodeCaption, ahv.EntityCaption

  • Hi Graham,

      Thanks a lot for your reply and answer, Given report almost met my requirement but few modifications needs to be done  to fill my requirement those details are given below

    1.  Alert Name

    2.  Device Name


    4. Object that triggered this alert

    5. time stamp

    We are looking report for individual alerts but on weekly basis, Could you please guide me that how to create one report for critical and warning alerts on weekly basis 

  • are you after something like this:
    alert name, parent device, alert object and count over past 7 days?

  • Hi Garham,

    Thanks a lot for your reply.

    I am looking report like as below screen shot for critical and warning alerts and count is not required for me but required 7 days alert details.

    Please let me know if you required any more details from my end

  • I thought you requested a count. I'm pretty sure some of the out of the box reports based on events rather than alerthistory might be better suited to your need but if you want to carry on with what i've already given you just add a select from 'message' and 'timestamp' to get access to those fields:

    ahv.Name 'Alert Name'
    ,ahv.RelatedNodeCaption 'Parent Device'
    ,ahv.Severity 'Severity'
    ,ahv.EntityCaption 'Alert Object'
    ,ahv.message 'message'
    ,ahv.timestamp 'timestamp'
    ,ISNULL(lastOne.Qty,0) 'Last 1 Day'
    ,ISNULL(lastSeven.Qty,0) 'Last 7 Days'
    ,ISNULL(lastThirty.Qty,0) 'Last 30 Days'

    Then build the report like so:

    You'll probably need to tweak the SQL further to get exactly what you need.

  • Are you looking for like this Ashwin. we have time stamp also available for requried alerts report. 

  • yes and what kind of information will get in the NAME column

  • Create the web based report using the below script. you will get the required  report and let me know. 

    select aa.[timestamp] as TriggeredDateTime , aa.message,ac.severity,

    (CASE aa.eventtype

    WHEN 0 then 'Triggered'

    WHEN 1 THEN 'Reset'

    WHEN 2 THEN 'Acknowledged'

    WHEN 3 THEN 'Note Added'

    WHEN 4 THEN 'Added to Incident'

    WHEN 5 THEN 'Action Failed'

    WHEN 6 THEN 'Action Succeeded'

    WHEN 7 THEN 'Unacknowledge'

    WHEN 8 THEN 'Cleared'

    END) AS EventType

    ,,ao.entityCaption as Name_of_alert from Alerthistory aa

    join AlertObjects ao on ao.AlertObjectID = aa.AlertObjectID

    join AlertConfigurations ac on ao.AlertID = ac.AlertID

    where aa.[timestamp] between ${fromtime} and ${totime}

    and aa.eventtype=0

    order by  aa.[timestamp] Desc


  • Hi,

    Above given query almost met my requirement but device name is not showing in the report, Could you please add the device name also in the report and then share me the updated query.



  • Please find the updated query details. Name of alert act as Node Name.

    select aa.[timestamp] as TriggeredDateTime , aa.message,ac.severity,

    (CASE aa.eventtype

    WHEN 0 then 'Triggered'

    WHEN 1 THEN 'Reset'

    WHEN 2 THEN 'Acknowledged'

    WHEN 3 THEN 'Note Added'

    WHEN 4 THEN 'Added to Incident'

    WHEN 5 THEN 'Action Failed'

    WHEN 6 THEN 'Action Succeeded'

    WHEN 7 THEN 'Unacknowledge'

    WHEN 8 THEN 'Cleared'

    END) AS EventType

    ,,ao.entityCaption as Node from Alerthistory aa

    join AlertObjects ao on ao.AlertObjectID = aa.AlertObjectID

    join AlertConfigurations ac on ao.AlertID = ac.AlertID

    where aa.[timestamp] between ${fromtime} and ${totime}

    and aa.eventtype=0

    order by aa.[timestamp] Desc

    Please let me know

  • Please find the updated query details. Name of alert act as Node Name.

    select aa.[timestamp] as TriggeredDateTime , aa.message,ac.severity,

    (CASE aa.eventtype

    WHEN 0 then 'Triggered'

    WHEN 1 THEN 'Reset'

    WHEN 2 THEN 'Acknowledged'

    WHEN 3 THEN 'Note Added'

    WHEN 4 THEN 'Added to Incident'

    WHEN 5 THEN 'Action Failed'

    WHEN 6 THEN 'Action Succeeded'

    WHEN 7 THEN 'Unacknowledge'

    WHEN 8 THEN 'Cleared'

    END) AS EventType

    ,,ao.entityCaption as Node from Alerthistory aa

    join AlertObjects ao on ao.AlertObjectID = aa.AlertObjectID

    join AlertConfigurations ac on ao.AlertID = ac.AlertID

    where aa.[timestamp] between ${fromtime} and ${totime}

    and aa.eventtype=0

    order by aa.[timestamp] Desc

    Please let me know

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. i have executed the above given query but title showing as node name but it is giving interface names instead of host name. 

    I have executed the below query since i want alert information as well as Device name but it is giving error. Could you please correct it.

    select aa.[timestamp] as TriggeredDateTime , ao.EntityCaption, ao.RelatedNodeCaption, aa.message,ac.severity,
    (CASE aa.eventtype
    WHEN 0 then 'Triggered'
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Reset'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'Acknowledged'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'Note Added'
    WHEN 4 THEN 'Added to Incident'
    WHEN 5 THEN 'Action Failed'
    WHEN 6 THEN 'Action Succeeded'
    WHEN 7 THEN 'Unacknowledge'
    WHEN 8 THEN 'Cleared'
    END) AS EventType

    ,,ao.entityCaption as Name_of_alert from Alerthistory aa
    ,,ao.RelatedNodeCaption as DeviceName from Alerthistory aa
    join AlertObjects ao on ao.AlertObjectID = aa.AlertObjectID
    join AlertConfigurations ac on ao.AlertID = ac.AlertID
    where aa.[timestamp] between ${fromtime} and ${totime}
    and aa.eventtype=0 and severity='2'
    order by aa.[timestamp] Desc