With the new release of Microsoft Teams, I got a tad curious and went to see what integrations were available.
Much like Slack, PagerDuty, and a host of others; Teams gleefully accepts incoming webhooks as a native integration. Below is a summary of how to achieve this in your Teams environment.
Step 1:
As an administrator of your organization's Team software, login to your Teams desktop application and click on the Team that you wish to add your integration to, then select "Connectors"
Step 2:
Search for "Incoming Webhook" and click "Add"
Step 3:
Name your new Webhook, add an optional Icon, and click "Create"
Step 4:
Copy your URL to be used with your alert action in a moment
Step 5:
At this point, you should see that you have a newly configured Webhook in your Connectors list and you should also have a new message in your Team reflecting this addition as well
Step 6:
Configure an alert action (Send a GET or POST Request To A Web Server) and include your Webhook URL and associated payload (example below)
Step 7:
Enjoy your new feed of alerts!
Here's the payload snippet I am using in my action at present:
"title": "ALERT TRIGGER: ${N=SwisEntity;M=Caption} is currently ${N=SwisEntity;M=Status}",
"text": "DEVICE: [${N=SwisEntity;M=Caption}](${N=SwisEntity;M=DetailsUrl})
IP ADDRESS: ${N=SwisEntity;M=IP_Address}
VENDOR: ${N=SwisEntity;M=Vendor}
MODEL: ${N=SwisEntity;M=MachineType}
[ALERT DETAILS](${N=Alerting;M=AlertDetailsUrl})
[ACKNOWLEDGE THIS ALERT](${N=Alerting;M=AcknowledgeLink})"
Please note that there is some good information to be found in the API Reference as well: Office 365 Connectors API Reference - Outlook Dev Center