Open for Voting

While we don't have plans to add a variable like INC or CHG to the records, we have plans for you to have custom menu layouts which will allow you to better separate the incident and service requests. We also are planning on allowing you to change the name of records from something like Incidents to Cases or anything you would like.

Currently, you can separate incidents and service requests out by using a custom view and by the book icon next to the title. 

Begin ticket numbers with INC or REQ

To better identify a true incident versus a service request I would like to request the ability to create tickets starting with INC00000 for incidents and REQ000000 for requests. This would allow for quicker identification of incidents vs requests.

  • Any update on this? It will help a lot if we can determine the type by just looking at the ticket numbers INCxxx for Incident, CRxxx for changes and SRxxx for Service Request

  • Thanks for the feedback on this, looks like that will help a lot! 

  • Hi all, we are starting to work on a new design for this problem that will do a couple things:

    1. Change the menu labeling from Incidents to Tickets (in the future we will want to allow you to change it to anything you want. You can do this with ESM right now but we are looking to bring it to non-ESM accounts)
    2. Introduce quick filters that will be two buttons one labeled incidents and the other service requests. These would live in the white space above the index and allow you to easily switch between the types in the index. Clicking on one would also update the filters in the edit view list so a view can easily be saved. This would be the first things we introduce as quick filters but want to introduce more in the future like assignee, state, etc so the agents can quickly filter without needing to edit the view.
    3. Update the little grey book icon on the title that indicates that its a service request to something more intuitive and easy to understand. Something as simple as a SR symbol before the title. 

    These are some ideas that we are working on right now but I would love the feedback from the group if something I mentioned doesn't make sense. 

    Note: The screenshot above is the design we are working on right now and can change between now and development. 

  • Looks like this request has 58+ upvotes. Could this be considered?

  • This request has been over 2 years and no progress, why is it taking such long time to implement?  According to this Change the Web Help Desk ticket numbering ( , starting value can be reset easily.  What's big difference between SWSD and WHD?  Aren't they using backend database that index value can be reset using similar script?  Rather than waiting feature request implementation which has no ETA at all, can it be a per site on-demand request to SW support to perform such a change when needed?