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Auto-reply for Closed Incidents

Our tenant has the Global Service Desk Setting "Reopen Resolved/Closed Incidents" toggle, set to Off, to preventer Requester or anyone CC'd from re-opening the Incident by Commenting. 

Is it possible to display an alert or send an email auto-reply to anyone who comments on a Closed Incident reminding them "This Incident is Closed, please create a new Incident" or similar?


  • We have issues where we close tickets and then people reply to an email from a past ticket, and it reopens it and gets lost in the ether. It shouldn't happen, but it does and then they're mad when we don't see and don't respond to it because it's buried from 4 - 5 months ago. 

  • Hi joeybrown.  Thanks for your reply.  I thought the same thing and I do have this rule implemented.  My worry is when there are other users that are CCed on the ticket reply they will not receive the notice because it is specified to only go to the Requester.

  • Hi, would using the following automation rule resolve this issue? You can adjust the conditions to meet your needs but the one attached is looking at the requester/commenter role is requester, the origin is email, and the incident is in either resolved or closed, then send a notification stating the the incident is closed and new one needs to be opened. 

  • Yes!  Please add this as a feature.  I have users that refuse to follow protocol and open new tickets.  I need to send them a message that the ticket is closed and no longer monitored for communication.

  • Ditto.  Requesters add a comment, but no one sees it and they get frustrated.