I am trying to create the service desk discovery agent macOS app on Intune, I uploaded the latest installer dmg available to us Solarwinds_Discovery_Agent_2.1.72_2.0.8_1056_118_installer.dmg
now under detection rules, it asks for an App bundle ID (CFBundleIdentifier) and App Version (CFBundleShortVersionString). I currently have it filled in as com.bitrock.appistaller and 2.1.72 respectively. Is this wrong?
When I let this run, this app fails on the macs on intune, with the status details: The DMG file couldn't be installed because it doesn't contain any app that matches the provided bundle IDs. (0x87D3013D)
bottom line is, how do I successfully install solarwinds service desk agent on macs via intune?