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AntiVirus is not listed in Category group.

We just need to have “antivirus” added to the category column of Cortex xdr as listed below.

Solarwinds has had to add this every time there has been an update to Cortex xdr.

Can you give us the ability to add this ourselves?

  • Hi , makes sense that we would allow you to categorize these things on your own. Right now it is something that only engineering can do but I would recommend making this request in our feature request section. We have plans of updating the design and functionality of the software page, so we can take this into consideration at that time. 

    In the meantime, please open a ticket with support so we can get engineering to tag this as AntiVirus for you. We can look into seeing if engineering can tag Cortex XDR* as AntiVirus to at least stop you from having to request this each time. 

    DM me the ticket number when you get it open so I can track it on my end and see what we can do. 


    -Joey Brown

    Senior Product Manager

  • AntiVirus is not listed in Category group.

    We just need to have “antivirus” added to the category column of Cortex xdr as listed below.

    Whenever there is an updated version to Cortex, the risks report shows over 100 computers that do not have antivirus installed.

    SolarWinds has had to add this every time there has been an update to Cortex xdr.

    Can you give us the ability to add this ourselves?

  • AntiVirus is not listed in Category group.

    We just need to have “antivirus” added to the category column of Cortex xdr as listed below.

    Whenever there is an updated version to Cortex, the risks report shows over 100 computers that do not have antivirus installed.

    SolarWinds has had to add this every time there has been an update to Cortex xdr.

    Can you give us the ability to add this ourselves?
