I'm building a process integration where I need to get the ID of a process field of type "user" and pass it to an integration (the Solar Winds API integration, but that doesn't really matter here). The problem is, the variable resolves to the ID of the first group of the user, not the ID of the user itself. While that is rather odd to be the default, it does sort of make sense when you look at the documentation here:
https://documentation.solarwinds.com/en/success_center/swsd/content/completeguidetoswsd/process_integration.htm, which indicates that {{user-var.id}} actually returns the group ID - which again, no idea why this is the default instead of the ACTUAL user id, since a user can have many groups.
The problem is, no matter WHAT I specify, I only get that first group ID of the associated user, and NOT the actual user ID. Example:
I create a custom user field called "Employee" on a service request form. The field type is "user", so you select a user in this field.
I make a new service request and select "Joe Black" as the user. His user ID is 6019508. He's a member of three groups, with ID's of 6433078, 7157601, 7413472, not that I care what groups he's in, I just want his ID.
I then make a call using process integration to api.samanage.com/.../{{Employee.user.id}}.
This call ends up going to https://api.samanage.com/users/6433078.
I can use {{Employee.id}} or just {{Employee}} or {{Employee.email}} or any other field that according to the aforementioned documentation is SUPPOSED to give me the respective attribute of the user object. Instead, no matter what I use, I get 6433078, the user's first listed group ID. I have no idea how that's even useful, or why in the world it's the default, but for the love, what do I gotta do to just get the ACTUAL ID of the user???