How to create an Change or Asset in Service Desk by API REST

I need to create a Change and other_assets in Service Desk by API REST. I try to do a request to url using POST method, but i get a 404 not found.

  • Hey there Neo....this information was in another THWACK post about Incident creation via API.  Apply the same logic for changes to create a change or other asset.  Follow the API documentation for each module.

    When I'm first testing a POST, I like to start with just the required fields. For an incident, that would be the Name, Priority and Requester. Then I'll start adding to the payload and testing incrementally so I know where I'm winning and where I'm losing. (I'm also terrible with API, so this is my slow but safe method)

    Try something like this:

    "name":"Incident Name",

    Here is the detail for changes.

  • You aren't doing it right check the Query characters , then open Service Desk Help ".