API Access to Incidents using Requested By to Filter

Looking to use the API to get a user's most recent incidents. Using the web interface, I can see that you can filter by user using requested_by. When doing this it uses a numeric ID, that thus far I've been unable to figure out how to get. It isn't the user id or the group id for the user. Any idea on how I can get this ID or another way to filter?


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  • Hi  

    I know how to get the user's ID. The issue is that the incident filter as best I can tell does not use the same ID. For example, I can see that one of my users ID is 8532955 using the /users/8532955 URL trick you indicate. Then if I go to an incident for that same user as the requestor, I'll see the following in the .json:

    "requester": {
    "id": 9220244,
    "account_id": 85721,
    "user_id": 8532955,

    The user_id matches there but whenever I try to filter the incidents using something like ?user_id=8532955 it doesn't work. If I build the filter with the GUI it will put in the filter requested_by=9220244, thus the question, where is this id coming from.