The question I've been asked is:
"Is there a way to send email notifications every time an Incident is updated (changed, commented), to the CC'd users of that Incident?"
I see under Settings > Service Desk > Notifications we have options for Incidents changed/commented for Requesters and Assignees but CC isn't supported across the board. I don't want to apply this to the entire provider, since this request is coming from one team.
The only solution I've brainstormed so far while I research is to create Notification Action logic and send that to the team's Group after a condition is met
This doesn't seem like a solution though because on initial contemplation:
- it doesn't point at the CC'd users
- it's not easily scalable to other Catalog items
- the team may be assigned Incidents, which is another form to edit, and editing this form will affect the provider
Has anyone had a request like this before, were you able to find a workaround (hopefully without telling them it can't be done)?