Negative Sentiment Detected?

We are getting the following message when customers are raising ticket?

What is it all about?

The survey at the end of the ticket?

  • I agree, this turned on without us knowing and many questions internally were asked.  The resulting sentiment has never been correct, and I question the algorithm used for it's decision making.  I don't really understand the value.  For sentiment to be judged properly, the decision making must include contextual and situational awareness.  That is still a challenge even with today's available AI.  Luckily, we can turn it off.  Thanks again for taking time to address the question.

  • I agree, this turned on without us knowing and many questions internally were asked.  The resulting sentiment has never been correct, and I question the algorithm used for it's decision making.  I don't really understand the value.  For sentiment to be judged properly, the decision making must include contextual and situational awareness.  That is still a challenge even with today's available AI.  Luckily, we can turn it off.  Thanks again for taking time to address the question.

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