The new blue colour of the text and orange on the sidebar are quite jarring, anyone else?
The new blue colour of the text and orange on the sidebar are quite jarring, anyone else?
A lot of the colours have changed. They're far too vibrant, which makes it hard to see what I'm doing. No good since I'm looking at the Service Desk all day.
Hi, ksm123 - I just wanted to double-check. Is this what you're seeing in the product in terms of the change to the new SolarWinds colors?
The links hurt my eyes
Are we sure that this was intentional and not an issue with the site? My company's service desk has the new colors but won't display any of the button icons and various buttons throughout the menus are also not displaying. I just put in a support ticket. You can hover over where the buttons are supposed to be and see the hyperlink preview at the bottom of the browser, but all of the sidebar menu buttons are hidden while the navigation sidebar menu is collapsed and the New Incident button in the Incidents page is also missing. All you see is an empty outline box where the buttons are located but no '+' like was previously there. Just more dark blue in an empty box where the button should be.
Is anyone else's not displaying a lot of the buttons throughout the platform?
Never mind! The ad blocker I was using seems to have caused the display issue.
Never mind! The ad blocker I was using seems to have caused the display issue.
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