Is there a way to hide the "requestor" field for service catalogue requests?

 I ask because in my case users are able to submit requests on behalf of other users, when this happens and the request needs to have manager approval, the approval will go to the one who is requesting on behalf of the person rather than the other person's manager.

  • Howdy  !

    I want to clarify something...

    You said that the approval will go to the one who is requesting on behalf of, rather than the one who needs the software. That is only true if the person submitting is not replacing their own name as the requester. Since this is the case, it sounds like this could simply be a training opportunity and to make the form more intuitive. 

    In the Description, you could clearly state that "If you are submitting this on behalf of another, please replace their name in the requester field.". This would also remove a duplicate field "Who will this software be assigned to?" (which appears to be a free-text field)

    Alternatively, we've recently introduced features to stop/restart a process. This means you can modify the entries and restart the process, issuing the approvals to the correct managers.

  •   Here's the information provided by SolarWinds that goes over the Teams integration. Teams Integration Documentation That might help for training user when they are submitting a ticket on behalf of someone else.

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