ADHOC Notification Custom/Dynamic Variable?


I am trying to figure out the appropriate variable to use (if possible) that will dynamically add the user's input, based on the condition set.  The user can select multiple options (A, B,C, D)-- based on the selection, it branches into a seperate condition set/path in the process for approvals.  I am trying to update the notification being sent, to only show the users selection at that condition set. 

Example:  User selected A, B, D

Currently-- notification would show user selected A, B, D at any condition set in the process.

Would like-- notification to only show selected A --while in condition set A, then only show B, while at condition set B... etc, etc

The selections for the condition sets are based off of a custom field in the form. 

Is this possible?

Thank you! 

  • Howdy  ,

    I'm trying to wrap my head around the use case. A few questions you can answer may help me understand and assist.

    • Is the notification you're referring to a custom template?
      • If not, which system generated email are you referring to?
    • What is the use case to "hide" the other selections in the notification?
    • What other steps are within each condition set?
    • Can you share screenshots of the process tree?
    • Is the notification you're referring to a custom template? --- Custom notification/template
      • If not, which system generated email are you referring to?
    • What is the use case to "hide" the other selections in the notification? -- Nothing is being hidden
    • What other steps are within each condition set? -- If condition A is met, then send notification to X user for approval, approval is granted, send Notification for Condition A, to B user for implementation, and notification to requester, if denied-- send notification to requester based on Condition A ( This repeats 10 times, for 10 Conditions, going to different approvers-implementors)
      • The process works as intended-- I am looking to see if there is a way to dynamically pull in a variable-- in this case--which condition we are on.  Like using {{incident_title}} or {{requester_full_name}}.. etc.... 
    • Can you share screenshots of the process tree?
    • Is the notification you're referring to a custom template? --- Custom notification/template
      • If not, which system generated email are you referring to?
    • What is the use case to "hide" the other selections in the notification? -- Nothing is being hidden
    • What other steps are within each condition set? -- If condition A is met, then send notification to X user for approval, approval is granted, send Notification for Condition A, to B user for implementation, and notification to requester, if denied-- send notification to requester based on Condition A ( This repeats 10 times, for 10 Conditions, going to different approvers-implementors)
      • The process works as intended-- I am looking to see if there is a way to dynamically pull in a variable-- in this case--which condition we are on.  Like using {{incident_title}} or {{requester_full_name}}.. etc.... 
    • Can you share screenshots of the process tree?
  • You can't pull the name of the Condition Set, no, but you can pull a value from a custom field. Just like with {{incident_title}}, you can put {{custom_field_name}} and it will pull in the values entered into that custom field. Closest we can get based on my understanding of your use case. 

    This may be worth reaching out to your Account Manager to see if a call could be set up to walk through. Sometimes these are tough to describe via text and I don't want to misunderstand the ask. Feel free to let me know if you have other questions or context! I hope this helps. Slight smile

  • Thank you!  I figured it was a constraint of Service Desk offerings.  Pulling the selections from the custom field works-- was hoping to not get a list of ever selection, but been able to parse it down based on the condition. 

    No worries!!  Thanks again for helping!