Aruba stack / VSF monitoring


We have just started monitoring our Aruba AOS-CX switches with NPM and NCM as part of our HCO deployment.

Whilst it's possible to view Cisco switch stacks in NPM, this doesn't seem to be possible with Aruba switches. Is there a way to poll Aruba VSF/VSX stacking and display the data in Orion? 

Parents Reply Children
  • How did you manage that we have 50 CX Aruba 6300F switches and they refuse to work with ANY aruba template 

  • Maybe just a spell of good luck on our side then... We also have 6300 devices (both M and F models), as well as 8320s which are being monitored just fine. Obviously we just had to check 'Manage with NCM' under Edit Node, set a connection profile with valid CLI creds and specified the 'Aruba' canned template. That's it! Other than allowing access on the switch's ACLs.

  • dont know if you ever figured this out but the following device templet works for our CX devices! 

    <!-- edited with XML Spy v4.4 U ( by () -->
    <!--SolarWinds Network Management Tools-->
    <!--Copyright 2005 SolarWinds.Net All rights reserved-->
    <Configuration-Management Device="Aruba CX Switch" SystemOID="">
    		<Command Name="RESET" Value="page"/>
    		<Command Name="Reboot" Value="boot system${CRLF}Yes"/>
    		<Command Name="RebootAt" Value="reload at ${HH}:${NN}${CRLF}Yes"/>
    		<Command Name="EnterConfigMode" Value="config t"/>
    		<Command Name="ExitConfigMode" Value="end"/>
    		<Command Name="Startup" Value="startup-config"/>
    		<Command Name="Running" Value="running-config"/>
    		<Command Name="DownloadConfig" Value="Show ${ConfigType}"/>
    		<Command Name="UploadConfig" Value="${EnterConfigMode}${CRLF}${ConfigText}${CRLF}${ExitConfigMode}"/>
    		<Command Name="DownloadConfigIndirect" Value="copy ${ConfigType} ${TransferProtocol}://${StorageAddress}/${StorageFilename}"/>
    		<Command Name="UploadConfigIndirect" Value="copy ${TransferProtocol}://${StorageAddress}/${StorageFilename}  ${ConfigType}"/>
    		<Command Name="EraseConfig" Value="erase startup-config${CRLF}Yes"/>
    		<Command Name="SaveConfig" Value="copy running-config startup-config"/>
    		<Command Name="Version" Value="show version"/>

    I did want to clarify the only part of that templet i've used or tested is the direct config download. I updated the cli commands to work with the CXs for the rest of the executable commands I just haven't tested any of them.