Alert Graphic Display to get specific Applications or specific nodes in this code

I can get all Nodes but only one show specific Applications and Nodes only, so any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks

Count(c.AlertObject.AlertActive.TriggeredMessage) AS TheCount
, CASE WHEN D.Link is null then NULL
ELSE CONCAT(D.Link,'?filters=', c.InstanceSiteId, '_Orion.AlertConfigurations_Severity:eq:', c.Severity)
, CASE WHEN c.Severity = 2 then '#950000'
WHEN c.Severity = 3 then '#DD2C00'
WHEN c.Severity = 1 then '#FEC405'
WHEN c.Severity = 0 then '#176998'
WHEN c.Severity = 4 then '#999999' END AS [Color]
, CASE WHEN c.Severity = 2 then 'Critical'
WHEN c.Severity = 3 then 'Serious'
WHEN c.Severity = 1 then 'Warning'
WHEN c.Severity = 0 then 'Informational'
WHEN c.Severity = 4 then 'Notice' END AS [Severity]
, CASE WHEN c.Severity = 2 then 'severity_critical'
WHEN c.Severity = 3 then 'severity_critical'
WHEN c.Severity = 1 then 'severity_warning'
WHEN c.Severity = 0 then 'severity_info'
WHEN c.Severity = 4 then 'severity_info' END AS [StatusIcon]
, CASE WHEN c.Severity = 2 then 1
WHEN c.Severity = 3 then 2
WHEN c.Severity = 1 then 3
WHEN c.Severity = 0 then 4
WHEN c.Severity = 4 then 5 END AS [severity_order]
FROM Orion.AlertConfigurations c
SELECT TOP 1 '/apps/platform/dashboard/' + TOSTRING(DashboardID) as Link
FROM Orion.Dashboards.Instances
WHERE DisplayName = 'Servers Summary - Alert Status'
ORDER BY DashboardID
) D ON 1=1
WHERE c.AlertObject.AlertActive.TriggeredMessage <> ''
AND (c.AlertObject.Node.Category=2)
GROUP BY c.Severity, D.Link, c.InstanceSiteId
ORDER BY severity_order

What it looks like below image:

  • what do you see when you try the following: It includes all alerts

    SELECT COUNT([ActiveAlerts].AlertActiveID) AS [AlertCount]
    , CASE [ActiveAlerts].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Severity
    WHEN 0 THEN 'Informational'
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Warning'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'Critical'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'Serious'
    WHEN 4 THEN 'Notice'
    ELSE CONCAT('Unknown Severity: ', [ActiveAlerts].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Severity)
    END AS [SeverityText]
    -- The logic here is that there may be other severity types added later (as positive integers),
    -- so the ones we have defined, we'll have as negative and sort ascending by this number.
    , CASE [ActiveAlerts].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Severity
    WHEN 0 THEN -2 -- Informational
    WHEN 1 THEN -3 -- Warning
    WHEN 2 THEN -5 -- Critical
    WHEN 3 THEN -4 -- Serious
    WHEN 4 THEN -1 -- Notice
    ELSE [ActiveAlerts].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Severity
    END AS [SeveritySort]
    , CASE [ActiveAlerts].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Severity
    WHEN 0 THEN '#0099ff' -- Informational "Light Blue"
    WHEN 1 THEN '#f99d1a' -- Warning "Gold"
    WHEN 2 THEN '#ff0000' -- Critical "Red"
    WHEN 3 THEN '#fa8072' -- Serious "Light Red"
    WHEN 4 THEN '#4169e1' -- Notice "Blue"
    END AS [Color]
    , [ActiveAlerts].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Severity
    FROM Orion.AlertActive AS [ActiveAlerts]
    GROUP BY [ActiveAlerts].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Severity
    ORDER BY [SeveritySort]

  • Hi Thanks for getting back to me and I get the display below, but I am trying to for example get just a few specific servers and applications only within this type of notification?

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