I am monitoring our AWS instances through the method "Cloud Discovery without a Hybrid Cloud Observability License" under the page documentation.solarwinds.com/.../core-cloud-getting-started-resource.htm.
We have successfully added an AWS account in SolarWinds and are monitoring many EC2 instances, volumes, etc.
We have CloudWatch Metrics defined in AWS console but none are being discovered by SolarWinds. I would love to collect metrics about the alarms set up in CloudWatch.
We are using the policy mentioned in this link documentation.solarwinds.com/.../core-cloud-configure-aws.htm - and the policy includes line "cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics" - but no CloudWatch metrics are being found although they are there in the AWS console.
Can anyone provide any guidance if there is something missing from the SolarWinds side of things, or what needs to be configured on AWS side so that we discover these metrics?
Thank you.